Sunday, March 27, 2011

Drunks and My Birthday Week!

There are different kind of drunks out there in the world.
1.THE ANGRY DRUNK: One of the most feared and talked about drunks. Angry drunks can often be found in trailer parks, clubs, and football games. Angry drunks are pretty easy to spot. They are usually the ones arguing the rules of a beer pong game or threatening to fight you if you look at his girlfriend/beer. Angry drunks can usually find work as a frat bouncer.
2. THE CRYING DRUNK: The Crying drunk is usually a category that is dominated by females. This type of drunk will dig up anything from their past to start crying. Most of the time that thing is an ex-boyfriend or something that a current boyfriend did in the past. No act is too small to be a catalyst for the Crying Drunk. Your cat died nine years ago? That’s perfect. Grover Cleveland lost the election of 1888? Let the waterworks flow! It is proper party etiquette to try to consol any Crying Drunk.   
3. THE NURTURING DRUNK: The Nurturing Drunk is essential to any party. These Drunks tend to act the most like your mother. If there is spilled beer, the Nurturing Drunk is quick to be there with a rag and club soda. If someone is about to puke, the Nurturing Drunk will be there to rub his or her tummy and feed them water and bread. The Nurturing Drunk has typically been a category dominated by women, but a surprising number of men fall into this category. Frat guys, football players, are gym rats are all types of men that could be the next one to hold your hair back and tell you that you look beautiful in the shade of throw-up.
4. THE HUGGING DRUNK: Not to be confused with the Horny Drunk, Hugging Drunk’s are very content and loving drunkards. Hugging Drunks, obviously, spend the majority of their time hugging passer-bys. Anyone in an arms length of the Hugging Drunk is fair game. Also, every action at a party usually calls for a hug to the Hugging Drunk. Like, you just won beer pong! Let’s hug it out! Your girlfriend just fucked another guy! Put your arms around me, big guy! You have Chlamydia! Time for a hug, man. A sub category of the Hugging Drunk is the more homophobic High-Fiving Drunk (pretty self-explanatory.)
5. THE HORNY DRUNK: These drunks are, obviously, the ones that try to fuck anything that moves. These can be male or female. The Horny Drunk can be split into two categories: those who actually get laid, and those who go home alone. Horny Drunks are generally shady characters that carry roofies and mixed drinks. Horny Drunks are sometimes, but not always, Slutty Drunks that are going to fuck a guy at the end of the night, regardless of their level of attractiveness or martial status. The Horny Drunk is often the least socially acceptable of all the drunks, but, more often than not, the most desired.
6. THE FAKE DRUNK: These fuckers are the ones that act drunk, but are more sober than a Mormon on the Sabbath. Fake Drunks can usually be seen drinking “jungle juice” that is more juice than jungle. Fake Drunks also tend to carry around a 30-case of beer or a handle of Popov, but are never seen actually drinking any of it.

I usually don't drink but when I do, I get drunk, pass out and go home and sleep. I am the complete opposite of all of the above.
Tuesday was a great day as usually since my friends showed up for karaoke and I decided to do an early birthday. I have my Tuesday crew that usually shows up so I decided to drink as much as I could before I passed out. Now usually I am the Designated Driver but this time it was my time to out drink my boyfriend. Shot after Shot. Left and Right, friends gave me shots. Next thing I know, some drunk chick came up behind me and started to grab my ass and literally fingering my hole. I started to blush and my boyfriend and his friends started to see my jaw drop. My boyfriend wanted me to move so I went to the other side when this young Asian chick came in and started doing shots. Now mind you I am already 4 shots in. The first shot she did was a Blow Job. Now I've never had one but I pretty much have had a buzz for the past hour before she showed up. No more than an hour later she was drunk and had to be carried out by her friends. Talk about a Rookie. I already out did her.

Trying to do Karaoke drunk isn't as easy as I thought. I decided to do Heart - "Alone" and boy was it hard. I've done it many times before but I just couldn't stand still and see the words straight. I finally chilled and ended up passed out in front of the bar and my friends had to help me to the car. Apparently my boyfriend drove to the local 7-11 and ended up seeing me passed out in the car. Talk about emberassing.

Wednesday I ended up drinking at midnight to celebrate my birthday. Boy does Vodka mess me up! Face was red and my buzz became a headache. One of the bartenders made me a Brunch - Blueberry Vodka, Orange Juice, and Redbull, all equal Parts! What an amazing drink.

So for the past month the San Jose Sharks were going to have a "Coolest Game" in Morgan Hill and I decided to go and go to El Toro Brewery Company. The minute we walked in, it took over 30 minutes to sit us and as we walked up stairs we ended up sitting in the back where we couldn't see anything. No TV was great...pffffff. Our server Mack finally came over and took our order, low and behold no hard liquor so I had no alcohol since I don't like beer very much. I ordered a Sprite a some fries. As I waited for them my two friends Robyn and Pricilla came over and sat with us. As we waited a table became open where we could see a TV. Next thing I know it was getting more packed.

Just like a Sharks Game there was the chanting, waiting on food and crappy service. Mack finally came with the beer my boyfriend ordered over an hour before and it wasn't as good as was told. Where is my Sprite and my fries? I can't believe I still don't have them. Next thing I know I waited another 20 minutes to get none other than a Soda WATER! NASTY!!!! Once again I had to wait another 20 minutes and once again I got another Soda Water! Really!?!?! I couldn't believe it! I was sick and tired of getting nothing but finished my water already and had nothing to drink. I ended up getting one of our raffle tickets called to be part of a trivia contest.

I ended up going instead of my boyfriend so being one of the only girls up there I ended up doing pretty good. I got the first 3 questions right and even the announcer was pretty pleased with the results. He thought I knew a lot about the Sharks. Sharkie ended up coming over and messed me up on the last question so the tie breaker was "How many Points overall does Joe Thornton have?" I was first and said 625, second guy said 300 and the third said 925. The last guy ended up winning the Snuggie and I got a tee shirt. It was pretty cool knowing that I could compete with 40 and 50 year old men. Especially for a 29 year old woman. Not bad!

Back and forth the game made me freak out so many times. The last 3 seconds, Marleau scored. Talk about an amazing goal. Completly amazing! Finally a shoot out after no one scored in OT. It was awesome!!! After the loss we stayed for a minute and than found out my boyfriend won a Signed Puck from Douglas Murray #3. I really don't care much for autographed stuff since I can get that myself. But everything I have is signed and it's all mine. So no when he moves out he will have a signed puck for himself. yeah!

We drove to the next bar that we planned and saw our DJ. It was really nice to be somewhere where no one really knew us. Sadly no one showed up for my birthday until the last minute. Bryan showed up and we had a little fun. But I did wear my lucky shirt that says IITYWIMWYBMAD? This is my favorite thing ever! I have had over 7 drinks so far and I paid less than $10 for everything to make it.

Anyhow, the crowd wasn't my kind of crowd to hang with. Lots of drunk girls, Mexican music and humping. WOW! So I decided to leave a little early. Didn't really get drunk but got my DJ to buy a drink for me after asking him to figure out my shirt. It always works.

The next night was Friday night. I decided to go to the bar as usual as we do every Friday Night. Lots of people were playing the Barber Cut game to win the iPad but no one prevailed. Finally at closing time, I decided to take the last of my $3 and play the game. I could only play once as the game was $2. Never once I have ever got it right on the line. This time I got it. I make it across and got it to the right point. Than I looked to the other side and next I know I had the string right on the line. IT CUT THE LINE! I ended up winning the iPad! Talk about the greatest birthday ever! Video will be up soon.

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